Parma, I'm in!!
Salumificio Aurora
is a supporting member of the
"Parma, I'm in!" association
"Parma, I'm in!" is a Social Responsibility project involving institutions, citizens and companies working together and sharing energy and resources for the sustainability of Parma for future generations.
We have decided to support "Parma, I'm in!" because of our way of being, and because of the reason that every day renews our commitment to the pursuit of excellence: passion for taste. It is not just about producing good food, but a typically Parmesan way of preserving values and tradition while supporting constant innovation.
We have the privilege of living in the land of good living, taste and ingenuity.
"Parma, I'm in!" is getting to work with concrete and coordinated initiatives,
to go back to being a city and an area where we can live well.
"Parma, I'm in!" is getting to work with concrete and coordinated initiatives,
to go back to being a city and an area where we can live well.
Good food
Our products of excellence are based on farming traditions and entrepreneurial innovation. The agri-food sector is what must unite us and make us recognizable, everywhere.

Our culture
We have streets full of music and art to be lived and celebrated. It is a heritage that must be protected and promoted with new itineraries and ideas, for ourselves and for others.
Tourism and free time
We have an invaluable and attractive legacy of age-old traditions. We want to promote our places and invest in hospitality, in an area that knows how to turn work into art and how to make its inhabitants happy.

Training and innovation
We have cutting edge research centres, universities and schools. Working together we want to focus on innovation, bring talents and companies together, and provide jobs for the youth of today and tomorrow.